Saturday, February 7, 2009


So i have noticed for the past few months that things have been weird with my body. Everyone and everything i have read and heard said that your body doesn't really get back to normal for like 1-2 yrs after the baby comes so i just brushed everything off, the chills, shaking, fast weight lose (not that I'm complaining), shortness in breath and being tired always. I couldn't brush it off forever my pulse started beating fast 123 beats per min and then faster to 147 beats per min.
So this past Monday i went to the doctor's she took blood and did an EKG.... well results came back today and i have pretty bad Thyroid problem. My mom also has a Thyroid problem i have Hyperactive and she has Hyporactive. For those of you who don't know about your thyroid here is some info just in case you start have the same signs as me.

~~ What is hyperthyroidism?
The term hyperthyroidism refers to any condition in which there is too much thyroid hormone in the body. In other words, the thyroid gland is overactive
~~ What is a thyroid?
small, butterfly-shaped gland below the Adam's apple.
~~ What does the thyroid do?
controlling the body's metabolism by regulating thyroid hormones (T4 and T3)
~~ When something goes wrong..
if the gland produces too much hormone we term the condition Hyperthyroidism
if the gland makes to little, we call this Hypothyroidism.
~~ Symptoms
fast heart rate
eyes may bulge forward
increased sweating
muscle weakness
trembling hands
weight loss
skin changes
increased frequency of bowel movements
decreased menstrual flow and less frequent menstrual flow

Well there is your patient education lesson.LOL
Now all i do is wait take pills and go to the Endocrinologists to see if it will go way with time or surgery.


Angie said...

That is crazy! I hope it works with the pills so you dont have to have surgery. And I'm glad you figured everything out... At least you know what it is now.

Jenilee Sizemore said...

Well, I am glad that you figured everything out. Take care of yourself Amyee!

Noel said...

sheesh Lady! I am glad you are okay... I'll keep my fingers crossed that it stabilizes and you don't have to have surgery!